Interesting side note: This is for the Legendary Edition of Skyrim, not the newer Special Edition, so keep that in mind. The result is an eye-boggling re-imagining of the classic RPG. And all of this is without ray tracing, so imagine that extra layer of depth on next-gen systems. AOS2 does a FANTASTIC job at overhauling the reverb in the game. Magic/explosions are also heavy and jarring. Audio drivers are the main components that transmit information between the low-level audio hardware and your OS. ISC has great new sounds for the most part, and gives each item type its own pickup/put down sounds, which goes further than you'd think instead of just hearing a leather flap every time you pick something up. The world feels more enchanting and has that mystical Oblivion look, but with massive improvements like incredible ambient weather effects, lighting overhauls, beautiful water reflections, and realistic fog. If none of the above methods work and you are still unable to hear any sound on Skyrim, we will shift our attention towards the reinstallation of Audio drivers on your computer. The textures are immaculate, complete with shield reflections and high-res 4K upgrades of ships, castles, armors-you name it. With a laundry list of over 200 mods, Skyrim Legendary Edition is transformed into something both familiar and completely unique. YouTuber Toxic Gaming put together a tantalizing glimpse at what Skyrim could look like on next-gen platforms like PS5 and Xbox SX, but of course the game is already next-gen on PC. Case in point: 9 years on, Skyrim is looking better than ever thanks to amazing user-created content.

Nothing extends the lifetime of a game more than mods (they will even fix your game after launch).

I feel like I am alone in this because I can't find anything about it.Modding is absolutely incredible. I started a character using mods, Everything seems to be in a proper order, but I keep coming across NPCs (Specifically Bandits that turn invisible or into invisible werewolves!!) Even in early game! I'm level 3, at Bleak Falls Barrow and one of the Bandits turns into an Invisible Werewolf!!!! I find this extremely game breaking!! Anyone know the possible issue?!