He had made a pact with his master, Meridia, that if he died, his spirit would return to her realm and would eventually be reborn in the waters of Oblivion. However, Umaril had a trick up his sleeve. The two battled and Pelinal proved the victor. After fighting through a wave of Aurorans and daedra supplied by the Daedra Lord Meridia, Pelinal confronted Umaril himself. The two fought on top of what is now called the White-Gold Tower, the center of the Imperial City and the seat of the Elder Council. Umaril is most famous for his defeat at the hands of Pelinal Whitestrake, one of St. He was a very powerful sorcerer with powers that most mortal men or mer could only dream of and was so cruel, so evil, that even the gods feared him.

He is the main antagonist of the Knights of the Nine expansion. Umaril the Unfeathered, also known as Umaril the Blasphemer, is one of the last Ayleid kings to have survived the war with St.

There is no way to tell the Soul level of an Auroran until it has been slain. Depending on the level of the Auroran the soul can be anything from Lesser and up. Unlike other Daedra, the Soul level is not always the same. These Daedra were created by the Daedric Princes Meridia, Azura, and Sheogorath. These are indeed the Aurorans from Tes4: Oblivion The Aurorans are hard, so use allot of potions. Miredia's Visage is at the end of the dungeon. Kill him to get the key to the chest with all the items. kill all the npc's in that dungeon to get to Umaril. Go to the shrine and enter the dungeon. Umaril, The Unfeathered, Monster/BOSS/NPC